
[고급1] 예습 단어 리스트 2023-06-02 조회 : 718

Unit 1

Financial instability: 경제적 불안정

Meaning: A condition of lacking financial stability, leading to unexpected financial difficulties.

Example: Many musicians experience periods of financial instability due to fluctuating income from gigs and unpredictable revenue streams.

Korean Translation: 많은 음악가들은 공연 수입의 변동성과 예측할 수 없는 수익원으로 인해 재정적으로 불안한 시기를 겪게 됩니다.

Emotional Distraction: 감정적 방해

Meaning: The interference or disruption of attention due to emotional states or elements. 

Example: The sad news on television served as an emotional distraction, making it difficult to focus on my work.

Korean Translation: 텔레비전에서 나온 슬픈 뉴스는 감정적인 방해 요소로 작용하여 내 작업에 집중하기 어려웠습니다.


Problem-Solving: 문제해결

Meaning: Analyzing and strategizing to solve problems in difficult situations.

Example: I enjoy the challenge of problem-solving and finding creative solutions to complex issues.

Korean Translation: 나는 문제 해결의 도전을 즐기며 복잡한 문제에 대한 창의적인 해결책을 찾는 것을 좋아합니다.


Cognitive Function: 인지 기능

Meaning: The mental processes and abilities related to acquiring, processing, storing, and retrieving information.

Example: Proper nutrition and regular exercise contribute to maintaining optimal cognitive function.

Korean Translation: 적절한 영양과 규칙적인 운동은 최적의 인지 기능을 유지하는 데 기여합니다.


Productivity: 생산성

Meaning: The ability to perform work or tasks and the quantity and quality of the resulting output.

Example: Effective time management and prioritization are key to improving productivity in the workplace.

Korean Translation: 효과적인 시간 관리와 우선순위 설정은 직장에서 생산성을 향상시키는 데 핵심적입니다.


Personalized Environment: 개인화된 환경

Meaning: an environment tailored to an individual's preferences and needs.

Example: I set up my home office with comfortable furniture and decorations to create a personalized environment that inspires creativity.

Korean Translation: 나는 편안한 가구와 장식품으로 집에서의 사무실을 꾸며 개인화된 환경을 만들었습니다. 이는 창의성을 고무 시키는데 영감을 주는 것입니다.


Limited opportunities: 한정된 기회

Meaning: Opportunities or possibilities that are restricted in number or availability.

Example: As a musician, you may face limited opportunities for major label deals, but independent releases offer more creative freedom.

Korean Translation: 음악가로서는 대형 레이블 계약에 제한된 기회를 마주할 수 있지만, 독립적인 발매는 더 많은 창의적 자유를 제공합니다.


Authenticity: 진실성

Meaning: The state or quality of being genuine and true to the original.

Example: The artist's paintings are renowned for their authenticity, capturing the essence of the landscapes with remarkable precision.

Korean Translation: 작가의 그림은 진실성으로 유명하며, 경치의 본질을 놀라운 정밀도로 담아냅니다.

Self-reflection: 자기 반성

Meaning: The act of introspecting, evaluating oneself, and analyzing oneself for inner growth and learning.

Example: Taking time for self-reflection allows us to gain deeper insights into our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors.

Korean Translation: 자기 반성을 위해 시간을 내는 것은 우리의 생각, 감정 및 행동에 대한 더 깊은 통찰력을 얻을 수 있게 해줍니다.


Sensory Stimulation: 감각 자극

Meaning: The activation or enhancement of the senses, such as sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell.

Example: Listening to calming music and enjoying the aroma of scented candles provides sensory stimulation and promotes relaxation.

Korean Translation: 평온한 음악을 듣고 향기로운 촛불의 향기를 즐기는 것은 감각 자극을 제공하고 휴식을 촉진합니다.

Unit 2

Socialization - 사회화

Meaning: The process of forming and engaging in social relationships.

Example: Socialization is important for children to learn how to interact with others.

Korean Translation: 사회화는 어린이들이 다른 사람들과 어떻게 교류해야 하는지 배우는 데 중요합니다.


Relaxation - 휴식

Meaning: The state of being free from tension and experiencing comfort.

Example: I enjoy taking a hot bath for relaxation after a long day at work.

Korean Translation: 긴 하루 일한 후에 휴식을 위해 뜨거운 목욕을 즐깁니다.


Conversation - 대화

Meaning: Verbal interaction for exchanging ideas and opinions

Example: We had a pleasant conversation over dinner, discussing our favorite books.

Korean Translation: 저희는 저녁 식사 동안 즐거운 대화를 나누며, 서로 좋아하는 책에 대해 이야기했습니다.


Shared experiences - 공유된 경험

Meaning: Experiences that are participated in or enjoyed by multiple individuals.

Example: Going on a road trip with friends creates memorable shared experiences.

Korean Translation: 친구들과 함께 로드 트립을 가는 것은 잊지 못할 공유된 경험을 만들어줍니다.


Moderate consumption - 적정 섭취

Meaning: Consuming an appropriate or moderate amount.

Example: The key to enjoying wine is moderate consumption to avoid negative health effects.

Korean Translation: 와인을 즐기는 핵심은 부정적인 건강 영향을 피하기 위해 적정 섭취하는 것입니다.


Heart health - 심장 건강

Meaning: The state or condition related to the health of the heart.

Example: Regular exercise and a balanced diet are essential for maintaining heart health.

Korean Translation: 규칙적인 운동과 균형 잡힌 식단은 심장 건강을 유지하는 데 필수적입니다.


Stress reduction - 스트레스 감소

Meaning: The process of decreasing or alleviating stress

Example: Taking a walk in nature helps with stress reduction and relaxation.

Korean Translation: 자연에서 산책하는 것은 스트레스 감소와 휴식에 도움이 됩니다.


Health risks - 건강 위험

Meaning: Factors that can pose a risk to health.

Example: Smoking is associated with various health risks, including lung cancer.

Korean Translation: 흡연은 폐암을 비롯한 다양한 건강 위험과 연관되어 있습니다.


Diabetes risk - 당뇨 위험

Meaning: The likelihood or potential of developing diabetes

Example: Regular exercise and a healthy diet can help reduce the risk of diabetes.

Korean Translation: 규칙적인 운동과 건강한 식단은 당뇨 발병 위험을 줄이는 데 도움이 됩니다.


Addiction - 중독

Meaning: The state of severe dependence on a substance or behavior

Example: Substance abuse can lead to addiction and have detrimental effects on one's life.

Korean Translation: 약물 남용은 중독으로 이어지며, 삶에 해로운 영향을 미칠 수 있습니다.

Unit 3

Portability - 휴대성

Meaning: The quality of being easily carried or moved around.

Example: The laptop's portability allows me to work from anywhere.

Korean Translation: 노트북의 휴대성으로 인해 어디에서든 작업할 수 있습니다.


Customization - 맞춤화

Meaning: The process or result of making something tailored to individual needs or preferences.

Example: I love the customization options on this smartphone.

Korean Translation: 이 스마트폰의 맞춤화 옵션을 좋아합니다.


Remote access - 원격 접속

Meaning: The ability to connect to and control a computer or system from a distant location.

Example: With remote access, I can manage my files from home.

Korean Translation: 원격 접속으로 집에서 파일을 관리할 수 있습니다.


Efficiency - 효율성

Meaning: The extent to which work or effort is performed effectively.

Example: The new software greatly improved the efficiency of our team.

Korean Translation: 새로운 소프트웨어로 우리 팀의 효율성이 크게 향상되었습니다.


Monitor - 모니터

Meaning: A device that displays information.

Example: I need to buy a larger monitor for my computer.

Korean Translation: 컴퓨터에 큰 모니터를 사야 합니다.


Convenience - 편리함

Meaning: The state or quality of being comfortable and easy to use.

Example: Online shopping provides a lot of convenience.

Korean Translation: 온라인 쇼핑은 많은 편리함을 제공합니다.


Mobility - 이동성

Meaning: The ability to move freely and easily.

Example: The lightweight design of the smartphone enhances its mobility.

Korean Translation: 스마트폰의 가벼운 디자인은 이동성을 향상시킵니다.


Practicality - 실용성

Meaning: The quality of being useful and effective in real-life situations.

Example: I chose the backpack for its practicality and durability.

Korean Translation: 제 실용성과 내구성 때문에 이 가방을 선택했습니다.


Preference - 선호도

Meaning: A greater liking or favoring for something.

Example: My preference is to eat dinner at home rather than at a restaurant.

Korean Translation: 나는 선호도에 따라 식사를 집에서 하는 편입니다.


Discomfort – 불편함

Meaning: a feeling of unease, inconvenience, or annoyance

Example: the uncomfortable chair gave me a lot of discomfort during the meeting.

Korean Translation: 회의 중에 불편한 의자 때문에 많은 불편함을 겪었습니다

Unit 4

Quick solution -빠른 해결

Meaning: A fast or immediate way to solve a problem.

Example: "I need to find a quick solution to this technical issue."

Korean translation: "이 기술적 문제에 대한 빠른 해결 방법을 찾아야 해요."

Convenience fees - 편의성 수수료

Meaning: Additional charges for the convenience provided.

Example: "The online ticketing platform charges convenience fees for booking tickets."

Korean translation: "온라인 티켓 예매 플랫폼은 편의성 수수료를 부과합니다."

Accessibility - 접근성

Meaning: The quality of being easily reached, approached, or used.

Example: "The new building has excellent accessibility for people with disabilities."

Korean translation: "새로운 건물은 장애인들에게 훌륭한 접근성을 제공합니다."

Avoiding cooking - 요리하지 않으려고 하는 것

Meaning: Choosing not to cook or opting for alternatives to cooking.

Example: "After a long day at work, I prefer avoiding cooking and ordering takeout."

Korean translation: "일이 길게 이어진 후에는 요리 회피를 선호하고 배달 주문을 해요."

Nearby options - 주변 옵션

Meaning: Choices or alternatives available in close proximity.

Example: "There are several nearby options for dining in this neighborhood."

Korean translation: "이 동네에서는 주변에 여러 가지 식사 옵션이 있어요."

Desirable alternatives - 바람직한 대안

Meaning: Favorable or preferred options as substitutes or choices.

Example:"The store offers desirable alternatives to traditional products."

Korean translation: "이 가게는 전통적인 제품에 대한 바람직한 대안을 제공합니다."

Affordability - 가격이 알맞음

Meaning: The state of being reasonably priced or within one's financial means.

Example: "This hotel provides quality services at an affordable price."

Korean translation: "이 호텔은 합리적인 가격에 좋은 서비스를 제공합니다."

Free delivery - 무료 배송

Meaning: The service of delivering goods without any additional charge.

Example: "The online store offers free delivery on all orders above $50."

Korean translation: "이 온라인 상점은 50달러 이상의 모든 주문에 대해 무료 배송을 제공합니다."

Pantry supplies - 식료품 보관실의 공급품

Meaning: Food or grocery items stored in a pantry or storage area.

Example: "I need to restock my pantry supplies for the upcoming week."

Korean translation: "다음 주를 위해 식료품 보관실의 공급품을 채워야 해요."

Busy schedule - 바쁜 일정

Meaning: A timetable or plan filled with many tasks or activities.

Example: "Due to my busy schedule, I don't have much time for socializing."

Korean translation: "바쁜 일정 때문에 사교 활동을 할 시간이 별로 없어요."

Unit 6

Success - 성공

Meaning: Achievement of a desired outcome or goal.

Example: "Hard work and determination are key to success."

Korean translation: "열심히 일하고 결심하는 것이 성공의 핵심입니다."


People's perception - 사람들의 인식

Meaning: How individuals perceive or understand something.

Example: "People's perception of beauty varies across different cultures."

Korean translation: "사람들의 인식은 다양한 문화 사이에서 다릅니다."


Designer brands - 디자이너 브랜드

Meaning: Fashion brands created by renowned designers.

Example: "She loves to buy clothes from designer brands."

Korean translation: "그녀는 디자이너 브랜드의 옷을 사는 것을 좋아해요."


Looking good - 잘 생겨 보이기

Meaning: Having an attractive or pleasing appearance.

Example: "He always takes care of himself and focuses on looking good."

Korean translation: "그는 항상 스스로를 돌보며 잘 생겨 보이기에 집중합니다."


Easy on the eyes - 눈에 잘 들어오는

Meaning: Visually pleasing or appealing.

Example: "The artwork's vibrant colors are easy on the eyes."

Korean translation: "작품의 생동감 있는 색상은 눈에 잘 들어옵니다."



Attractiveness - 매력

Meaning: The quality of being appealing or charming.

Example: "Her confidence adds to her overall attractiveness."

Korean translation: "자신감은 그녀의 전반적인 매력을 더해줍니다."


Confidence - 자신감

Meaning: Belief in one's abilities or qualities.

Example: "She spoke with confidence during the presentation."

Korean translation: "그녀는 발표 중에 자신감 있게 말했습니다."


Stylish - 세련된

Meaning: Having a fashionable and elegant appearance.

Example: "He always dresses in a stylish manner."

Korean translation: "그는 항상 세련된 스타일로 옷을 입습니다."


Comfortable materials - 편안한 소재

Meaning: Fabrics or materials that provide ease and comfort.

Example: "I prefer clothes made of soft and comfortable materials."

Korean translation: "나는 부드럽고 편안한 소재로 만들어진 옷을 선호해요."


Positive impression - 긍정적인 인상

Meaning: A favorable or good opinion formed about someone or something.

Example: "His friendly attitude left a positive impression on the clients."

Korean translation: "그의 친근한 태도가 고객들에게 긍정적인 인상을 남겼습니다."

Unit 7

  1. Budgeting - 예산 관리 

  2. Meaning: The process of managing one's income and expenses. 

  3. Example: Budgeting helped me save money for my dream vacation. 

  4. Korean Translation: 예산 관리를 통해 나는 꿈꾸던 휴가를 위해 돈을 절약했습니다.

  5. Expense tracking - 지출 추적 

  6. Meaning: Keeping a record and monitoring of one's expenditures. 

  7. Example: With expense tracking, I identified unnecessary spending habits. 

  8. Korean Translation: 지출 추적을 통해 나는 불필요한 소비 습관을 발견했습니다.

  9. Financial goals - 재무 목표 

  10. Meaning: Specific objectives related to saving or spending money. 

  11. Example: Setting financial goals helped me stay focused on saving for a house. 

  12. Korean Translation: 재무 목표 설정으로 나는 집을 위해 저축하는 데에 집중할 수 있었습니다.

  13. Reducing discretionary spending - 여유 지출 줄이기 

  14. Meaning: Decreasing non-essential or optional expenses. 

  15. Example: I reduced discretionary spending to build an emergency fund. 

  16. Korean Translation: 나는 여유 지출을 줄여 비상금을 마련했습니다.

  17. Comparison shopping - 가격 비교 쇼핑 

  18. Meaning: Evaluating different prices before making a purchase. 

  19. Example: I always do comparison shopping to find the best deals. 

  20. Korean Translation: 나는 항상 가격 비교 쇼핑을 해서 최고의 거래를 찾습니다.

  21. Couponing and discounts - 쿠폰 및 할인 

  22. Meaning: Using coupons or taking advantage of reduced prices. 

  23. Example: She saves money by using coupons and discounts.

  24.  Korean Translation: 그녀는 쿠폰과 할인을 활용하여 돈을 절약합니다.

  25. Saving on utilities and bills - 공과금 절약 

  26. Meaning: Reducing expenses on household utilities and bills. 

  27. Example: We implemented energy-saving habits to reduce utility bills. 

  28. Korean Translation: 우리는 에너지 절약 습관을 실천하여 공과금을 줄였습니다.

  29. Automating savings - 저축 자동화 

  30. Meaning: Setting up automatic transfers to save money. 

  31. Example: Automating savings helped me consistently save each month. 

  32. Korean Translation: 저축 자동화를 통해 나는 매달 꾸준히 저축했습니다.

  33. Debt management - 빚 관리 

  34. Meaning: Handling and repaying debts effectively. 

  35. Example: With proper debt management, she paid off her loans. 

  36. Korean Translation: 적절한 빚 관리로 그녀는 대출을 상환했습니다.

  37. Positive mindset - 긍정적 마인드셋 

  38. Meaning: Having an optimistic outlook or attitude. 

  39. Example: Maintaining a positive mindset helps overcome financial challenges. 

  40. Korean Translation: 긍정적 마인드셋을 유지하는 것은 재무적인 어려움을 극복하는 데 도움이 됩니다.


Unit 8

Online communication - 온라인 의사 소통

Meaning: Interacting and exchanging information through digital means, such as emails or video calls.

Example: Due to the pandemic, we had to switch to online communication for our team meetings.

Korean Translation: 팬데믹으로 인해 우리는 팀 회의를 위해 온라인 의사 소통으로 전환해야 했습니다.


Socializing - 사교 활동

Meaning: Engaging in social activities and interactions with others.

Example: He enjoys socializing with friends and meeting new people at parties.

Korean Translation: 그는 친구들과 사교 활동을 즐기며 파티에서 새로운 사람들을 만나고 있습니다.


Successful career - 성공적인 경력

Meaning: Having achieved a series of accomplishments and advancements in one's profession.

Example: After years of hard work, she built a successful career as a lawyer.

Korean Translation: 몇 년간의 노력 끝에 그녀는 변호사로서 성공적인 경력을 쌓았습니다.


Less social pressure - 더 적은 사회적 압박

Meaning: Experiencing reduced stress or expectations from social situations.

Example: Moving to a small town allowed him to feel less social pressure than in the city.

Korean Translation: 작은 도시로 이사를 감으로써 그는 도시보다 덜한 사회적 압박을 느낄 수 있었습니다.


Detail-oriented - 세부적인 사항에 주의하는

Meaning: Being attentive and meticulous about small details and accuracy.

Example: As a graphic designer, she is known for her detail-oriented approach to projects.

Korean Translation: 그래픽 디자이너로서 그녀는 프로젝트에 대해 세부적인 사항에 주의하는 접근 방식으로 알려져 있습니다.


Passionate - 열정적인

Meaning: Having a strong enthusiasm and dedication towards something.

Example: He is a passionate chef who loves experimenting with new recipes.

Korean Translation: 그는 새로운 레시피 실험을 좋아하는 열정적인 요리사입니다.


Relaxed - 여유로운

Meaning: Feeling calm, at ease, and free from stress or pressure.

Example: After a day at the spa, she felt completely relaxed and rejuvenated.

Korean Translation: 스파에서 하루를 보내고 나면 그녀는 완전히 여유롭고 활기찬 느낌이 들었습니다.


Workaholic - 직장 중독자

Meaning: A person who is excessively addicted to work and often prioritizes it over other aspects of life.

Example: Being a workaholic, he struggles to find a balance between work and personal life.

Korean Translation: 직장 중독자로서, 그는 업무와 개인적인 삶 사이의 균형을 찾기 어렵습니다.


Organized work environment - 체계적인 작업 환경

Meaning: A workplace that is structured and well-arranged, promoting productivity and efficiency.

Example: The company promotes an organized work environment to enhance employee performance.

Korean Translation: 그 회사는 직원 성과를 향상시키기 위해 체계적인 작업 환경을 장려하고 있습니다.


Interaction - 상호 작용

Meaning: The action of communicating or engaging with others.

Example: Team-building activities promote positive interaction among colleagues.

Korean Translation: 팀 빌딩 활동은 동료들 사이의 긍정적인 상호 작용을 촉진합니다.

Unit 9

  1. Comfort - 안락함 

  2. Meaning: A state of physical or emotional ease and relaxation.

  3. Example: He found comfort in talking to his best friend during difficult times. 

  4. Korean Translation: 그는 어려운 시기에 가장 친한 친구와 대화하며 안락함을 찾았습니다.

  5. Connection - 연결

  6. Meaning: A bond or link between individuals or things.

  7. Example: Building a strong connection with customers is essential for business success. 

  8. Korean Translation: 고객들과 강한 연결을 형성하는 것은 사업 성공에 중요합니다.

  9. Impactful - 강한 영향력을 가진 

  10. Meaning: Having a significant influence or effect. 

  11. Example: Her speech was powerful and impactful, inspiring the audience.

  12. Korean Translation: 그녀의 연설은 강력하고 영향력이 있어 청중들을 감동시켰습니다.

  13. Verbal - 말로 하는 

  14. Meaning: Relating to or using spoken words. 

  15. Example: In a world of texting, he still prefers verbal communication. 

  16. Korean Translation: 문자 메시지가 흔한 세상에서도 그는 여전히 말로 하는 의사소통을 선호합니다.

  17. Meaningful - 의미 있는

  18. Meaning: Having significance or importance.

  19. Example: Spending quality time with loved ones is meaningful to him. 

  20. Korean Translation: 가족들과 퀄리티 타임을 보내는 것은 그에게 의미가 있습니다.

  21. Empathy -공감 

  22. Meaning: The ability to understand and share the feelings of another. 

  23. Example: She showed empathy towards her friend's struggles. 

  24. Korean Translation: 그녀는 친구의 어려움을 공감하며 대해주었습니다.

  25. Outgoing - 외향적인 

  26. Meaning: Friendly and sociable; enjoying the company of others. 

  27. Example: Being outgoing, he easily makes new friends at social gatherings. 

  28. Korean Translation: 외향적인 성격으로 그는 소셜 모임에서 손쉽게 새로운 친구들을 만듭니다.

  29. Relationship - 관계 

  30. Meaning: The way in which two or more people or things are connected. 

  31. Example: Building a strong relationship requires trust and communication. 

  32. Korean Translation: 강한 관계를 구축하는 데에는 신뢰와 의사소통이 필요합니다.

  33. Values - 소중히 여기다 

  34. Meaning: Regards someone or something highly; considers important. 

  35. Example: She values honesty and integrity in her friendships. 

  36. Korean Translation: 그녀는 우정에서 정직과 믿음을 소중히 여깁니다.

  37. Emotional - 감정적인 

  38. Meaning: Relating to or characterized by emotions. 

  39. Example: The movie had an emotional impact on the audience, leaving them in tears. 

  40. Korean Translation: 그 영화는 관객들에게 감정적인 충격을 주어 그들을 눈물을 흘리게 했습니다.

Unit 11

Appearance - 외모 

English Meaning: The physical attributes and characteristics of a person's appearance. 

Example Sentence: Her appearance at the party was stunning.

Korean Translation: 그녀의 외모는 파티에서 눈을 뗄 수 없을 정도로 멋졌다.

Decision-making - 결정 만들기 

English Meaning: The process of making choices or reaching conclusions.

Example Sentence: Good decision-making is essential in business. 

Korean Translation: 비즈니스에서는 좋은 결정 만들기가 중요하다.

Compatibility - 호환성 

English Meaning: The extent to which two things or people can exist together without problems. 

Example Sentence: The couple's compatibility made their relationship strong. 

Korean Translation: 그 커플의 호환성은 그들의 관계를 강하게 만들었다.

Expertise - 전문 지식 

English Meaning: Specialized knowledge or skills in a particular field. 

Example Sentence: He is known for his expertise in computer programming. 

Korean Translation: 그는 컴퓨터 프로그래밍 분야의 전문 지식으로 알려져 있다.

Judgements - 판단 

English Meaning: Opinions or decisions about something or someone. 

Example Sentence: Making fair judgments is important in a court of law. 

Korean Translation: 공정한 판단은 법정에서 중요하다.

Values - 가치 

English Meaning: Beliefs or principles that an individual considers important. 

Example Sentence: Honesty and integrity are among his core values. 

Korean Translation: 정직과 미덕은 그의 핵심 가치 중 하나이다.

Communication - 소통 

English Meaning: The exchange of information and ideas between individuals. 

Example Sentence: Effective communication is essential in a team. 

Korean Translation: 효과적인 소통은 팀에서 중요하다.

Biases - 편견 

English Meaning: Preconceived opinions or prejudices that affect judgment or behavior. 

Example Sentence: It's important to be aware of our biases and try to overcome them. 

Korean Translation: 우리의 편견을 인식하고 극복하려고 노력하는 것이 중요하다.

Background checks - 배경 조사 

English Meaning: An investigation or examination of someone's past history or records. 

Example Sentence: The company conducts background checks on potential employees. 

Korean Translation: 그 회사는 잠재적인 직원들에 대해 배경 조사를 실시한다.

Demeanor - 행동 방식

English Meaning: The manner or way in which a person behaves or conducts themselves.

Example Sentence: Her professional demeanor impressed the interviewers. 

Korean Translation: 그녀의 전문적인 행동 방식이 면접관들에게 인상적이었다.

Unit 13

Cost-effective - 가성비 좋은

Meaning: A method or option that provides good value for the money spent.

Example: Investing in energy-efficient appliances is a cost-effective way to reduce utility bills.

Korean Translation: 에너지 효율적인 가전제품에 투자하는 것은 공과금을 줄이는 비용 효율적인 방법이다.


Life skill – 삶에서 필요하거나 유용한 기술, 능력

Meaning: A life skill is a skill or knowledge that is valuable and applicable throughout one's life.

Example: Learning how to manage personal finances is an essential life skill.

Korean Translation: 개인 재정을 관리하는 방법을 배우는 것은 필수적인 생활 기술이다.


Job opportunities - 취업 기회

Meaning: Possibilities for employment or career advancement.

Example: Graduating with a degree in engineering opens up many job opportunities in the tech industry.

Korean Translation: 공학 학위로 졸업하면 기술 산업에서 많은 취업 기회가 생긴다.


Career focus - 커리어 방향성

Meaning: Prioritizing one's professional goals and aspirations.

Example: During college, students often develop a career focus by selecting relevant courses and internships.

Korean Translation: 대학 시절 학생들은 관련된 과목과 인턴십을 선택하여 직업에 초점을 맞추기도 한다.


Time-saving - 시간 절약

Meaning: A quality that reduces the amount of time needed for a task or activity.

Example: The new software streamlined the process and was time-saving.

Korean Translation: 새로운 소프트웨어는 프로세스를 간소화하여 시간을 절약했다.


Confidence booster - 자신감 증진

Meaning: Something that enhances a person's self-assurance and belief in their abilities.

Example: Receiving positive feedback from her supervisor was a confidence booster for her.

Korean Translation: 상사로부터 긍정적인 피드백을 받은 것은 그녀에게 자신감 증진이 되었다.


Self-sufficiency - 자립성

Meaning: The ability to rely on oneself and meet one's own needs independently.

Example: Learning basic household repairs promotes self-sufficiency and saves money on hiring professionals.

Korean Translation: 기본 가정 수리를 배우면 자립성을 증진시키고 전문가 고용 비용을 절약할 수 있다.


Networking - 네트워킹

Meaning: The process of establishing and maintaining professional contacts and relationships.

Example: Attending industry conferences can be beneficial for networking with potential clients.

Korean Translation: 산업 컨퍼런스에 참석하면 잠재적인 클라이언트와 네트워킹하는 데 도움이 될 수 있다.


Nutritional control - 영양 조절

Meaning: The ability to manage and monitor one's dietary intake for optimal health.

Example: Keeping a food journal helps in nutritional control and understanding eating patterns.

Korean Translation: 식단 일지를 작성하는 것은 영양 조절과 식습관 파악에 도움이 된다.


Independence - 독립

Meaning: Freedom and autonomy to make decisions and act without reliance on others.

Example: Moving out of the family home provides a sense of independence and responsibility.

Korean Translation: 가정을 떠나는 것은 독립감과 책임감을 제공한다.






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